Thursday, February 14, 2008

Tell No One (2/14/08)

Imagine you were Dr. Beck... How would you feel and what would you do? Remember to write in complete sentences and explain your reasoning.


Anonymous said...

If I happened to be in the same position as Dr. Beck, I would first show someone else the email,such as, a coworker or his sister. I would also show the email to the police since they have started a new investigation on a double homicide which for some reason involves David. I would be quite nervous being in his position seeing as an unknown person is trying to contact him. For this I would feel the need to look over my shoulder every minute of the day for a follower or someone watching. It seems that the email has frustrated David and that this might cause him to start snooping where he does not belong. It will be interesting to see where all of this activity leads next in the novel.

Anonymous said...

If I were Dr. Beck I would first contact my family or someone who I could trust. Or profesional help like a counselor. I would let them know what is going on, I would try to investigate what happened with Elizabeth's body. I would keep trying to remember how did I got to the cabin after Elizabeth was abducted from the lake and I was hit in the head, maybe something is wrong with my mind and am day dreaming or alucinating.

Anonymous said...

If i was Dr. Beck, I would feel the same way that he is feeling now.If my partner had died, and if I recieved an e-mail saying "kiss time" on our anniversary. I would be extremely upset just like he was. I would think that someone was playing a horrible cruel trick on me just like he thought. And then seeing my partner on a web site when he or she was supposedly dead would not only devistate me but I would be confused at the same time. I would not be able to feel the same way that he is feeling, or deal with all the things that he had to deal with in these first five chapters.


Anonymous said...

If I was Dr. Beck i would try to contact Vic sine he knows he's a scam artist. Now that Vic was killed Dr.Beck should go to another scam artist and tell him about the video to see if the video is authentic. I wouldn't put a lot of attention on the video since that video could've been recorder before she died. I would also try to get in contact with Larry Gandle see if he was also a victim of black mail.

Anonymous said...

If I was Dr. Beck I would have felt the same way he felt. I would have cried and sat there and wouldn't know what to do at first.The shock of seeing the loved one that passed would just bother me. If they were dead then how did they film this? It would have just brought me back to when they found my love one, or brought back horrible memories that I would have tried to forget kind of like Dr.Beck. After the shock set in I would have tried to find out where the camera was being shot and, found out where the e-mail came from.


Anonymous said...

If I was Dr. Beck, I would of been in scary scituation. Thinking did I burried those bodies and not deep enough that the bear yanked the arm. Did I leave blood stains on the bat? How do they know blood matched with mine. Once they found Elizabeth dumped off Route 80
I wanted to see and identify her.
Doing all these scams weren't good idea. Somewhere down the road you would be cought. Also in the apartment two men with the guns and plastic bag on the floor. It was all arranged.

Anonymous said...

If I were Dr.Beck I would be woundering if he put his wife in ground how is she still alive. Then after kiss time. The officer came by and told him that they found more bodies. I would be frecking out because Dr.Beck should have been killed that night but he wasnt. Maybe who ever is doing this might come after him but I think he just wants his wife back and he dosent care what happens to him.


Anonymous said...

I wuold go to Elizabeth's, father and ask him, if he was sure that it was her body.I know that it is hard, but it harded not knowing, what real happened. If I was Dr. Beck I would want to see for my self,that it truly was her. I would want to see her body even if it was just to say good by. He saw her face on that camera, and now he's not sure what real happen to her. Would her father keep her being alive from him? If so why? If anyone is playing a game with him, it a horrible thing to do. I would feel happy, but sad at the same time, why would Elizabeth stay away?


Anonymous said...

If i were Dr.Beck i would be so worried and confused. he saw his wife alive and after all this time he thought she was dead, and he has to try and keep it a secret that he saw her I would aslo wonder whats up with the two bodies that the sheriff found. I would wonder if it had anything to do with his wifes dissaperance. Maybe if Dr.Beck tells some one than the guy that has his wife will kill her for real. Maybe he wants to make a deal with Dr.Beck...ill give u back ur wife if u dont tell the police who I am. It just seems like its this big game thats bothering Dr.Beck but the abductor is getting laughs and giggles out of it.

Danielle L

Anonymous said...

I would not know what to do, I probably go crazy. After all this years, why suddenly all this questions coming back to haunt everyone.

Anonymous said...

If I was Dr. Beck I would feel the same way that he is feeling. I would feel very lonely and upset for not knowing how my partner had died. Also I would get very upset if a police officer came to my house and accused me of murdering someone that I loved. I would have to say that he is going through a hard time right now and he doesn't need someone bothering him. They should just leave him alone and should move on since it happened eight years ago. Samantha

Anonymous said...

I agree with ashley. I would do everything that she said. I would feel the same exact way that Dr. Beck is feeling. And if my loved one who was suppose to be dead was on a camra I also would try to find out where that web cam was being shot at!